All publications can be ordered here. Multiple copies are available
at no charge to doctors, medical centers and patient support groups;
please contact us to see if you qualify -
As vital a resource as the Internet is, it often times
is better to have a traditional medium of information to aid you in
understanding the task before you. To aid in that process we have
developed valuable publications to enhance your efforts.
Confronting Prostate Cancer: What Would You Do?
This brochure details the entire process from detection to treatment
to provide a frame of understanding for the general public as to
disease risk and management, and for the newly diagnosed as to their
options. It is extensively used by doctors, medical centers, social
service agencies and prostate cancer support groups.
Single copy price - $2.00 (Also available in Spanish)
Talking with Your Doctor
A step-by-step understanding of the process from initial screening
through treatment. Designed for the healthcare professional to better
explain the elements of disease management and for the patient to
use in building a clear dialogue with their doctor to achieve most
appropriate decision for care and quality-of-life.
Single copy price - $2.00 (Also available in Spanish)
The Prostate Net® Team Shirt
Show your pride in supporting our educational activities when you
wear this micro fiber shirt, emblazoned with our logo, on the tennis
court, golf course or just relaxing with friends. For a donation
of $500 or more, you will get this stylish garment. Available in
S, M, L, Xl, XXL.
Team Shirt - $50.00
The Barbershop Collection
In recognition of our Barbershop Initiative, where
we address racial health disparity through discussion in community
barbershops, any order over $100 will receive our contour writing
pen and barber quality comb for your pocket, purse or office. To
order separately the Comb is $5.00 and the Pen is $2.00.
Comb - $2.00
Pen - $2.00
7 Keys to Reduce Cholesterol
As you probably already know, a high level of blood cholesterol is considered to be a leading risk factor for heart disease and heart attack.
In fact, an estimated 65 million Americans should reduce their cholesterol, and 35 million of them should be taking cholesterol-lowering medications.
Of the 15 million Americans taking statin drugs to reduce cholesterol, most of them are actually taking doses too small to help them meet their optimal cholesterol levels.
Surviving dangerously high cholesterol is largely a matter of information and education.
Johns Hopkins has been ranked #1 of America's Best Hospitals for 16 consecutive years by U.S. News & World Report. So if you're serious about your efforts to reduce cholesterol, and would like to have the considerable resources and expertise of Johns Hopkins Medicine and the Ciccarone Center for the Prevention of Heart Disease at your service, why not get your FREE copy of this Johns Hopkins Special Report: Seven Ways to Reduce Cholesterol.
The Johns Hopkins Heart Bulletin
A must-have health journal for anyone concerned about their heart health. Each packed quarterly issue brings you the latest research and findings on coronary heart disease, including the latest breakthroughs on such conditions as: coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, angina, atrial fibrilliation and other arrhythmias, pacemakers and defibrillators, and many other cardiac conditions and their treatments. Heart attack prevention, diet, weight loss, smoking cessation, how to reduce cholesterol, and other heart health concerns are also covered in-depth.
Subscribe now, and you’ll also get a FREE Cardiac Glossary, PLUS 4 FREE Johns Hopkins Heart Health Special Reports, all available as instant downloads:
1. Nutrition and Fitness
2. Statin Drugs and the Cholesterol Battle
3. Men vs. Woman: Matters of the Heart
4. Heart Surgery-State of the Art Procedures
Read more or order The Johns Hopkins Heart Bulletin
The Johns Hopkins White Papers on Heart Health
The Johns Hopkins Heart Attack Prevention White Paper 2007
Focuses on lifesaving strategies for preventing a first heart attack, with up-to-date information on both established and newly discovered risk factors for heart attack; screening tests that can detect a problem before a heart attack occurs; lifestyle measures and medications that can dramatically lower your risk. Feature highlights for 2007 include: should you be taking a statin drug?; women and heart attacks; eight essential steps for preventing a second heart attack; should you have a C-reactive protein test?

The following books provide a framework of reference for you,
based on clinical knowledge and personal experience, to make informed
choices relative to your specific therapy. It is important to remember
- No Two Cancers Are Alike - what another person may have experienced,
though similar to your conditions, does not guarantee the same outcome
for you. Use these works to engage in a dialogue with your physician
that will give you the best outcome.
Prostate Cancer: A Chronic Disease with Multiple Treatment Options by Anna C Ferrari. M.D.
available at no charge from:
The Chemotherapy Foundation
183 Madison Avenue - Suite 403
New York, NY 10016
2007 Johns Hopkins Prostate Disorders White Paper helps you decide among the various treatment options for prostate cancer, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and prostatitis.

Johns Hopkins Prostate Disorders White Paper
2007 Johns Hopkins Prostate Disorders White Paper
Helps you decide among the various treatment options for prostate cancer, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and prostatitis. Featured highlights for 2007 include: PSA testing controversies-- what you need to know; the inflammation-prostate cancer link; what to expect from a prostate biopsy; simple lifestyle measures to protect yourself against prostate cancer; erectile dysfunction-- oral medications and beyond.
Order Prostate Disorders
Dr. Peter Scardino's Prostate Cancer Book
Comprehensive information on understanding and managing
all forms of prostate disease from a world renowned surgeon and
clinician. You may purchase from Amazon or Barnes and Noble.
What to do when they say it’s cancer - A Survivors
Joel Nathan
Triumphs of the Human Spirit - Real Cancer Survivors, Real
Battles, Real Victories
Barry W. Summers - Writers Club Press
Prostate Cancer: Portraits of Empowerment
Nadine Jelsing - Westview Press
A Primer on Prostate Cancer - The Empowered Patient's Guide
Stephen Strum, MD and Donna Pogliano
Available from distributors BookWorld and Ingram. Quantity
discounts available through the publisher, Life Extension Foundation
at www.lefprostate.org
His Prostate and Me: A Couple Deals with Prostate Cancer
Desiree Lyon Howe - Winedale Publishing
My Prostate and Me
William Martin
The Prostate Cancer Protection Plan The Foods, Supplements,
and Drugs That Could Save Your Life
Dr. Bob Arnot - Little Brown
Dr. Patrick Walsh's Guide to Surviving Prostate Cancer
Patrick C. Walsh and Janet Farrar Warner Books
Prostate and Cancer: A Family Guide to Diagnosis, Treatment
and Survival
Sheldon Marks, M.D.
Prostate Cancer Making Survival Decisions
Sylvan Meyer & Seymour C. Nash
Man to Man
Michael Korda
That Black Men Might Live
Rev. Charles Williams and Vernon Williams
The story of one man's fight against prostate cancer
Available from Hilton Publishing

The Johns Hopkins Prostate Bulletin
The Johns Hopkins Prostate Bulletin is an indispensable quarterly journal for men with prostate cancer, and the other prostate health concerns which afflict you: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), prostadynia, and the various forms of prostatitis. It also deals with their side effects and related conditions, such as Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS), overactive bladder (OA), and erectile dysfunction (ED).
The Johns Hopkins Prostate Bulletin, direct from Dr. Jacek L. Mostwin and his esteemed colleagues at the world-renowned James Buchanan Brady Urological Institute, goes beyond the basics to report on the latest therapeutic treatments, advanced news of clinical trials, in-depth reports, new medications, plus detailed answers to subscribers’ concerns about all aspects of their prostate and genitourinary health.
In every issue you'll get the latest news from urological and cancer conferences around the world, and landmark studies in the fight against prostate cancer, and treatment advances for anyone suffering from prostate cancer, BPH, and prostatitis.
Every issue will also update you on: prostate specific antigen (PSA) testing, new drugs, diagnostics and more, all in clear, plain English to help you with your crucial treatment decisions.
Subscribe now, and you'll also receive 5 FREE Johns Hopkins Prostate Special Reports, available as instant downloads:
1. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
2. Diet and Prostate Health
3. Chronic Prostatitis
4. Treating Overactive Bladder
5. The Radical Prostatectomy
Read more or order The Johns Hopkins Prostate Bulletin

ALL NEW! Choosing The Right Treatment For Your Prostate Cancer
The Johns Hopkins Prostate Library
A detailed, up-to-the-minute treatment guide so you can know all your options before making any irrevocable decisions about your prostate cancer treatment.
1. Expectant Management
2. Brachytherapy
3. Radical Prostatectomy
4. External Beam Radiation Therapy
You have hundreds of questions about your prostate cancer. Johns Hopkins' specialists have the answers. Access the expertise of the specialists at America's #1 Urology Center.